
PMMDA Members contribute machinery sales figures towards annual statistics collection

For the last 13 years, PMMDA has carried out an annual exercise to gauge trends in polymer machinery sales in the UK.  Member companies are invited to share their annual sales figures confidentially and the data is then collated to demonstrate UK and Ireland totals.  Those members participating receive an analysis of the figures together with a year on year comparison.

Following the collection and breakdown of figures for 2015, PMMDA Chairman Nigel Flowers commented:

The trend for UK injection moulding capital equipment sales remained very strong in 2015.   Results of the recent 2015 Market Survey showed that the 643 machines imported represent the strongest market since 2004.   Interestingly enough, if we ignore the large machine imports which distort the data, the average machine value in 2015 is lower than in 2005 when adjusted for inflation!  In fact since 2010 the UK market has grown in unit numbers by a staggering 36%.  To a large degree you could argue that this has been driven by the continued investment in automotive but this is only really reflected in the large machine imports (36 units over 1000 or 5.6%), the truth is that there has been significant investment across all sectors including traditional trade moulding which has taken a hit over the last few years.

There is a similar story on the automation side, with 41% of machines supplied with automation last year, compared with just 32% 10 years ago. The UK compares very well with the rest of Europe as the Euromap production data shows automation over-stagnating as 20% of machines produced are equipped with automation.  Again there is an argument that automotive has driven this increase but I think that we are seeing investment across the board to leverage the cost reductions and increase in productivity that automation brings.’

UK sales figures for Ancillary Equipment and Robots were also included in the survey, and showed a significant rise in trade during 2015.

Any enquiries can be directed to Nikki Williams at

PMMDA takes Members to the ‘corridors of power’

At the end of November, the Polymer Machinery Manufacturers & Distributors Association (PMMDA) members and guests were fortunate enough to visit the Houses of Parliament.

At the event, organised by Committee Secretary Nikki Williams, those attending were able to take part in a fully guided tour of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.  Members and guests were then led to a Drinks Reception which was held in one of the Terrace Dining Rooms.  Mark Pawsey MP, Member of Parliament for Rugby and PPS to the Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise was the Guest Speaker, having sponsored the occasion. Before election to Parliament, Mr Pawsey ran his own business supplying products to the catering trade and is a member of, amongst others, All Party Groups on Manufacturing, Micro-Businesses, Packaging and Small Business.  Mr Pawsey spoke about his experiences in business and politics and chatted with guests on issues members raised with him.

PMMDA Chairman Nigel Flowers thanked Mr Pawsey for taking the time out to support the event and stated: ‘In preparation for the event I looked at the rate that the UK plastics industry is investing in high output / low energy equipment and discovered that at the current rate of investment it will take 20 years to replace the current aging installed base.  Government and your support of manufacturing and small businesses is vital if we are to continue to pursue a high technology based manufacturing economy by accelerating that change.’

After the Lunch Reception, all were invited to watch the Speaker’s Procession through Central Lobby, and view debate in the House of Commons Chamber from the Public Gallery.

Any enquiries can be directed to Nikki Williams at
